Bonuses in Binary Option Trading Business

In the competitive world of binary options, only the fittest brokers will survive. It used to be different: all it took was offering the best return and being the most reliable broker your clients could find; but no more. Many brokers choose to win over clients by using all sorts of tricks and bonuses, and anyone wishing to become a savvy binary options trader should learn all they can about these tricks and stratagems and, more importantly, how to make best use of them.
Technically, any increase in capital, or a financial incentive of any sort would constitute a “bonus offer”. However, there is usually a trick or two about these: most “extra” fund are conditioned by you coughing up the initial deposit, and some may even demand a string of investments on your part in order to become available. Enticing clients in this manner has not only managed to draw away clients from other brokers, but even managed to keep them hooked for a long time. What is it about “free” money that is so appealing and addictive? Never mind. Bonuses you get after you deposit your first amount are supposed to be especially enticing, in order to draw you in, but few brokers can afford to keep enticing you in this fashion for long. This is why many of them go all-out on your first investment, usually offering a portion of your funds as an extra incentive: for instance, you get a 50% bonus on your first investment. You deposit $100 but your account will say $150. This is a very useful trick, as it is only a one-time thing and the broker usually gets his money back before long, especially if they institute a limit to this bonus and say it only applies to deposits below, say, $3,000. If you deposit a single dollar more, you get no bonus whatsoever. Other brokers will award fixed amounts for certain deposits, like $100 on payments up to $200, $300 for payments up to $500 etc.
So, what’s stopping you from immediately withdrawing funds AND bonus money?
A lot of things, actually. Assuming you had no ulterior motives and honestly wanted to trade, you still have to meet certain criteria before withdrawing ANY funds once deposited, including your own. In the best case scenario, you’ll get your money back. Otherwise, you’d have to invest many times what you got in bonus money in order to qualify for a withdrawal, assuming your broker is legit. Otherwise, you’re in trouble. Although, different brokers offer different terms for their bonuses. The best you can hope for is a reasonable, “free” bonus that requires no actual payments on your behalf – not in advance anyway. But those are hard to come by, especially if they are legitimate and not a scam, although their terms for withdrawal may be even more demanding. In any case, the choice is yours.