Top 5 Binary Options Trading Platforms

There are numerous trading platforms out there, but few are dedicated exclusively to binary options. Still, it is imperative to know which ones are legit and which ones are operating “in the gray zone”, so to speak. Naturally, some binary options trading platforms are completely bogus and their only purpose is to scam people. However, thanks to the ever-increasing awareness for these sorts of things, the rate of detection for these frauds is higher than ever, and few can manage to sustain their little operation for more than a few weeks. Unfortunately, most frauds find this time window to be more than enough for their nefarious purposes, so the possibility of fraud is still very high. Having said that, the only way to be sure, especially if you are new to this whole binary options thing, is to start off with the best possible broker you can find. However, most find this trial and error method far too grueling, so the easier way may be to follow this list of verified binary options platforms, and hope things haven’t changed in the meantime.
Option Fair Platform, or OptionFair as it is sometimes spelled, is a trading platform operated by a company from Cyprus. What they offer to their clients is extremely high versatility – being able to invest in the widest variety of assets possible. When it comes to binary options, the choice is impressive – one touch, no touch, high-low, or range-bound options on a number of financial instruments. Plus, they offer 15% off on your out of the money options, meaning you get 15% of your investment back if you are wrong.
Tradologic Platform is arguably just as versatile, offering binary options on all kinds of financial instruments. Naturally, major currencies, stocks and commodities, as well as other indices are also on the list. The main selling point for this platform, that is supposed to draw in clients is its simplicity. In fact, the platform is so simple that many experienced traders fail to take it seriously. They generally associate the amount of data with the quality of service, which can be deceptive at times.
AnyOption Platform is owned by an eponymous UK-based broker. According to user feedback, this is one of the best platforms out there, perhaps even the best, but this is a matter of personal preferences. It offers you a chance to sell you binary options mid-way, or a 15% refund for out of the money options. This, along with simplicity and sleek design, make it one of the top choices out there.
Spot Option Platform caters to the clients who like to create their own binary options, but does not neglect those who prefer simple, straightforward binary options. Another nice feature is its ability to organize news feed and save you the trouble.
Finally, the EZ trading platform is one of the oldest still in business. Otherwise, it is pretty straightforward, but there has to be a reason for its longevity.