If you still haven’t ‘popped your binary options cherry’, then CherryTrade can be just what you need. And if you have, no matter, as these guys have something for everyone. In case you were wondering, we’re still talking about binary options. These guys offer a wide assortment of options that should suit any trader’s style, regardless of size and experience. If computers aren’t your thing, you can just download their app and trade your binary options on the go.
Who would have thought that a website with the word ‘cherry’ in its name would be all in red? What are the odds? If you aren’t interested in news and you didn’t come for a quick trade, CherryTrade’s main menu will keep you appraised of any and all assets that concern their binary options, offer to educate you on binary options trading, help you get familiar with different types of accounts and other minor details. Like many brokers, CherryTrade is open for contact and there are always people ready to address any issues you might have. As for creating an account, the process is straightforward and direct, with Basic, Professional, Expert, VIP and Corporate accounts available, depending on the amount you wish to deposit.

Once you’ve set up your account, you can get down to business. They offer a wide selection of assets from all categories: currencies, indices, all that stuff. Most of the binary options are the Call/Put variety, with several variations on the side: long term, 60 seconds, and pairs being the main variety. Other than that, you could try out one touch or ladder options. The first will have you guess if the price reaches the target sum, while the other just has you guess if the price will go up or down. If all else fails, you could just choose the ‘IFollow’ category, where you can mimic the pros at what they do best: you can choose between various traders with their own success rates and follow their choices within the parameters which you have to set yourself. They concern the amount of money you are willing to risk, the period of time as well as the maximum bet your computer is allowed to place and just watch as the money rolls in. Be careful, though: if the guy you’re mirroring screws up, he drags you down with him, so choose wisely.
When it comes to banking, CherryTrade understands the importance of safety and the need for speedy deposits and withdrawals. The deposits can be made in several currencies: AUD, USD, CAD, EUR and GBP. The payout is done in the same currency, if that is your choice, so you don’t have to pay any exchange fees. As for money transfer methods, CherryTrade utilizes credit cards and wire transfer only. The latter can charge less than reasonable fees – you’ve been warned. Your minimum deposit is $200 and bonus is capped at $20,000, at least for CherryTrade clients.